Category: GBM

  • Conversational AI & Business Messages: Helping Brands Drive Conversions & Retention

    “Google Business Messages drives a booming close to  85% CSAT scores for Levi Strauss.” Isn’t that amazing? According to the Vice President of Product experience at Levi’s, today’s consumer wants their problems to be heard. And that’s where google business messages being of sole purpose helps brands and businesses create a rich customer experience by enabling them to do a better job at ‘hearing’ their customers and uncovering new exciting ways to delight their consumer base.

    But what exactly is Google business messaging? And how is its collaboration with Conversational AI, a partnership leading the future of modern-day businesses? This blog will help you discover the answer to all these numerous questions along with also letting you understand how you too can gain benefits from this grand integration.

    What is Google Business Messaging and How Does It Work?

    Google helps organizations expand at a striking rate by accumulating various data, tools, and resources. It also provides organizations with an end-to-end marketing and branding solution. From a simple company listing to displaying ads and search engine ads, Google caters to any and all types of target audiences.

    People have been using Google Search and Google Maps to find information related to businesses for the last few decades. Though finding the location basic info listed in their Google Business (GBM) profile is easy. It hasn’t been that easy to actually contact the business, up until now. 

    In brief, Google Business Messaging is a messenger tool that helps consumers get in touch with businesses in real-time, straight from their Google Business Profile listing. This means that customers now have the power of reaching out to business directly from the search results, without having to go through the trouble of searching for your website and looking for a potential email address or a phone number that will lead them to you.

    But how does this actually work? The answer to this is simple.

    Think of GBM as a form of instant messaging. When a person activates the Messaging feature on the supported apps, customers will be able to see a Message button on their GMB listing. The button is only visible when your profile comes up in both Google Search and Google Maps. GBM is basically a channel that is solely driven by high intent searches. Its most effective entry points are from Google web or map searches, where people are continuously searching for shops, businesses, or products and can be engaged at the earliest point of their search.

    If for instance, a customer is applying for a  credit card application, and couldn’t complete the process due to a sudden interruption, hence on the website they’re lost.

    If the conversation starts with GBM, after entering the channel through a web search, there’s a second chance to engage and get help finishing what they started. Using Convert’s follow-up notifications, the consumer is re-engaged and the brand doesn’t miss out on an opportunity of converting a new customer or the ability to provide conversational experiences throughout time.

    But what exactly is Conversational AI and how is the integration of Convert and GBM tends to be the perfect conversational marketing partner for businesses? We’ll take a closer look into that below.

    Things to Remember While Using Google Business Messaging

    Though the process of signing up and usage of google business messages is quite seamless these are some of the points you should absolutely take care of while using google business messages to get a positive outcome:

    • Curation of an engaging welcome message that garners attention from customers.
    • The average response time should be as low as it could be to catch the highly powered intent of consumers.
    • Look out to solve customers’ apposite queries optimistically.
    • Cross-selling and other feedback should be as short as they could be.
    • Make sure that the consumer’s doubts are cleared.

    Keeping all this in mind and using it at the correct time will certainly lead to customer satisfaction and increased growth.

    The Integration of GBM & Conversational AI: A Partnership Towards Amelioration of Future

    Google Business Messaging has all the features of deriving growth to businesses. But the increase in the competition of the industrial space and less amount of time available to the businesses has brought forward the need for automation and integration of GBM with Conversational AI. And this is where Convert by Ori comes into play.

    Convert is an advanced Conversational AI that has the capability of boosting customer communication across sales, advertising, and marketing to drive better and more meaningful conversations. This in turn reduces the CAC and gives the company results that you would’ve otherwise never expected. It is an effective, immersive, and elegant method to fast track your sales from the time a customer starts researching about his desired need to the time where he buys it.

    The unification of Convert and GBM further turned on to become the partnership leading towards the betterment of future businesses. 

    Following are the pros of integrating Google business messages with Convert:

    • Customer Experience and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are integrating to offer an exceptional customer experience. Consumer experience is wholly taken care of with the usage of Google Business Messaging (GBM). Businesses can further improve their customer experience by automating it with Convert which will offer them better results as compared to traditional marketing automation techniques.
    • Instant resolution to the queries by using Conversational AI: Businesses can now easily automate Google Business Messaging by using the power of automation and conversational AI offered by Convert depending upon the queries they receive which also gives the advantage of little or no waiting time.
    • The integration is paving the way for Online-to-Offline business discovery which has seen decrement as the market has seen a massive change in the way customers interact with the local businesses since the inception of pandemic and new-age technology and this has significantly cluttered out the issue.
    • Live agents can take over in case of a complex query resolution which can also be termed as the integration of AI and humans working for the sole purpose of growth.

    All these features and advantages make the unification of Google business Messages and Conversational AI the need of the hour for growing businesses in 2022.


    To sum up, all the impactful features of Conversational AI coupled with that of GBM helps Commercial industries derive growth by:

    • Causing an increment in brand visibility.
    • Lead generation at an effective cost.
    • Easier product discovery on a larger scale.
    • Resolving customer queries 24×7, leading to customer satisfaction.
    • Increasing CSAT and leveraging organic growth.

    So to conclude, there cannot be a perfect time other than now to adopt the offerings of Convert as an automated Conversational AI tool for clinching the advantages of GBM which will further improve your customer satisfaction and overall sales performance by seven times.

    Get in touch with us to have a closer look at Convert for platforms like Google Business Messaging, Whatsapp, Instagram, and many other additional channels. We can certainly advise you on what’s best for your company considering your needs and requirements. We will also set up a demo so that you can see how Convert as a Conversational AI can skyrocket your business to new extents. For setting up a demo with us, visit

  • How conversational AI is shaping the future of the Education Sector?

    We could have never predicted where we would land in the Global Pandemic but there is a brighter side to it. The year 2020 led to more digitization than the last whole decade. Small and large businesses have managed to survive and rise in the digital wave. Fortune 500 companies and startups are investing highly in conversational AI chatbots to enhance their business processes in areas like customer service, employee support, workflow automation, employee onboarding, and more. 

    Various sectors like healthcare, mass media, tourism, etc but how about the education sector? And how has it benefitted?

    Where does the education sector stand as of now?

    The education sector is no doubt the base sector of every sector but as we all know the pandemic didn’t leave this sector unaffected too. But it certainly digitized the education sector. It made online learning a thing and erased the distance factor. In all of this, AI technology bridged the gap that arose due to the pandemic. Significantly we witnessed many universities and educational institutions transforming the admission procedure online including virtual classrooms and virtual examinations.

    This transition was quick-paced. Language software, eLearning apps, and collaboration tools have shown an incredible surge in usage.   

    As per the World Economic Forum, the global education technology investment had marked a high growth by hitting $18.66 billion. By 2025, the overall marketplace of online education is expected to reach $350 billion. If we see the recent trends it is safe to assume that conversational AI is the future of the educational sector.

    Conversational AI in the education sector:

    Conversational AI’s growing importance in the education sector cannot be overlooked. It has evolved the modern teaching and learning methods in a promising way.

    Conversational AI makes sure that the communication is smooth and free-flowing between the computers and users. Conversational AI is not just a chatbot, it’s indeed a smart bot.  It recognizes the language tricks, understands their queries, and skillfully guides them. If any query arises that is beyond the scope of conversational AI it directs the query to the person in charge. One more advantage of Conversational AI is that it delivers a human-like response that makes the users feel that they are interacting with an Actual Human Being. 

    Conversational AI provides virtual assistance by the means of bots making the process of education soluble. 

    The need for conversational AI in the education system:

    We live in a digital era and like every other industry, education sector needs to catch up too. With the help of conversational AI, education sectors are succeeding to do so.  By embracing technology like AI chatbots education sectors can keep the students engaged and make the admission process easier. And no wonder the move is saving a lot of resources and time.

    How does conversational AI influence education?

    Earlier the process of teaching, learning, and submitting assignments was a lengthy one. But since the emergence of conversational AI in the educational arena the process has become easier. Instead of a lot of paper load, technology has transformed the entire process of submission and evaluation. This has minimized the errors of judgment and has made the process free of bias. One more aspect that is significant to note is that students who used to carry numerous books just carry one single laptop now. Conversational AI has personalized learning and doubts solving.

    How is conversational AI  shaping the future of the Educational sector?

    Well isn’t that the whole point of this? AI-powered conversational tools are transforming the learning sector with interactive and customized tools. Let us have a quick look at the ways it is shaping the future of Education:

    1. Personalized learning experience:
      The digitized version of the education sector is a prompt one.  With the introduction of AI in the day-to-day, education learning is becoming more personalized for students across the Globe. 
    2. AI-powered teaching assistants:
      Teaching bots can assist the faculties by being their virtual assistant. They can solve the queries of students as per the instructions given to them without any sort of human intervention. Bots can intelligently dig the content that is suitable for students and as per their interests. Conversational AI can also evaluate students’ learning progress, deliver personalized feedback and suggest more significant learning content.
    3. Better and instant support:
      With instant support, conversational AI helps students reach the peaks they aspire to in their careers. A bot on the website of a university can run students through brochures, admission procedures, scholarships and much more this helps students find exactly what they are looking for.
    4. Automated administrative work:
      With the presence of conversational AI on your website, the burden of tiring administrative work is lifted from your shoulders. AI does attendance, grading and other administrative time-consuming work quickly and as per given instructions. This helps the teachers to focus on topics rather than worrying about administrative work.

    How can Convert AI act as a torch bearer here?

    Convert AI does all the things mentioned above efficiently when given the right instructions. It is a conversational AI product deliberately built to facilitate the learning process. Convert AI will surely provide a helping hand in a seemingly long process of admission, teaching, grading and evaluation. The conversational sales platform is custom built to make the future of the educational sector brighter.

  • Accelerate Personalized Customer Interactions With Google Business Messages

    Accelerate Personalized Customer Interactions With Google Business Messages


    • A study found that 75 percent of consumers prefer to message a brand rather than contact them over traditional channels, like the phone.
    • Nearly nine in ten online journeys begin with Google Search or Google Maps, as well as 35 percent of all product searches.
    • According to Hubspot, Google has 92.42% of the search engine market share worldwide. That translates to approximately 72% of all desktops and 92% of the mobile search engine market share.
    • Google Maps and Google Search are features that nearly all internet users use. 

    Google’s latest offering, Google Business Messages (GBM), allows your brand to present a ‘message’ button on the Google Business Search Page or your Google Search Ad helping your customers start a conversation with your business at the click of a button. 

    Why Should Businesses Use Google Business Messages?

    The top reasons for businesses losing customers are –  poor customer service, inability to tend to customers, and long customer service wait times.

    Google Business Messages allow customers to receive customer service at any time with the simple click of a button. With rich features such as images, document sharing, and media files – Google Business Messaging enables brands to offer customers quick pre-sales service along with a plethora of post-sales services as well.

    With the proliferation of messaging channels, customers are increasingly preferring messaging to calling. It is an excellent feature for businesses as their customers can now contact them quickly, and customer retention will be easier with Google Business Messages than it was earlier.

    Google Business Messages easily integrates with any company’s customer platform that operates digitally. Convert by ORI provides an easy-to-use and user-friendly agent desktop service for your business to handle all your messages in one place.

    Key Aspects of Google Business Messages

    1. It helps you connect and engage with customers who are already on Google Maps and Google Search. This allows you to broaden your customer base and enrich your customer experience.
    2. Offer timely and personalized conversations that lead to customer satisfaction. Everyone loves a personal touch.
    3. Drive more sales with comprehensive business messaging on Google. Personalized conversations lead to increased interest, furthering engagement and purchases.
    4. Drive relevance through intent-based conversation triggers.

    Features of Google Business Messages:

    1. Discoverability:
    • Google Business Messages allows customers to find the solution or product quickly and easily, directly from Google Search results.
    • Capture customer interest at the time they need your solution the most. Right at Zero Moment of Truth.
    • Share rich media in the form of images, docs, videos, APK files directly within Google Business Messages.
    • Up-sell, cross-sell manage retention with contextual triggers and enhanced free re-engagement.
    1. Insight & Analytics:
    • As a brand owner, you get insights on Impressions, clicks, and search volumes within the Google Business dashboard.
    • Conversational insights and analytics are made available through your Business messages partner – like Convert. Access to these conversational analytics gives you deep insights into customer preferences, intent, and even sentiments.
    • Business Messages also enables a live agent interaction, where a live agent Human-like conversations lead to personalized engagement and higher relationship building.
    1. Human-like Conversations:
    • Google Business Messages make contacting a business as easy as messaging a friend.
    • If you are a customer looking to check the availability of a product at your favorite store or want to check whether those spectacles are ready for pick-up, you can simply message the business from Search results and get information within seconds.
    • Synchronised conversations across Google’s channels keep the conversation flowing. This allows for keeping the context intact if the customers leave and want to return later.
    • Customers can get personalized recommendations, content, answers, and products that suit them individually.
    • Customers are likely to suggest you to their friends and family and leave positive reviews and ratings on Google and your pages.
    1. Automation:
    • With native Google My Business features like wait times and automated responses to frequently asked questions along with Convert’s ability to automate complex use cases – Google Business Messages empowers your brand to provide faster and more efficient customer communications, leading to increased sales.
    • Your customers are spread across time zones and regions. With the power of Google Business Messages and Convert AI’s automation – your brand has the power to connect with these users no matter what time of the day. Thus, accelerating customer conversations and revenue.

    Sales & Marketing via Google Business Messages:

    1. Personalised and context-relevant conversations. These are triggered based on user intent and search intent creating a seamless conversational experience.
    2. Re-engagement through drip campaigns after a user has interacted with your business.
    3. Returning customers and even new customers, receive customized recommendations through conversational insights. This leads to curated up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

    Want to see Google Business Messages in action? How about booking a quick demo with us – here. Want to see how leading brands are using Google Business Messages to drive revenue? Here’s how Bajaj Auto used Google Business Messages and Convert to lift test drive conversions by 14X.

  • Google Business Messaging: Use Case For Marketers

    Google Business Messaging: Use Case For Marketers

    Almost every business looking to create a profitable online presence has one primary objective in mind, which is customer engagement. A very common but effective method for businesses to achieve this on online platforms is through messages or other mediums of interaction. These interactions are crucial as they bring benefits for both the business and its customers.

    A recent survey by Google says that about 76% of consumers are interested in purchasing products using chat or messaging. As a customer, messaging a business will give them a better idea of what products or services are available. As for businesses, having a one-on-one, real-time interaction with a customer can create a better customer experience, leading to increased sales and brand affinity.

    What is Google Business Messaging?

    At present, consumers depend heavily on search engines to find what they may be looking for. The Google Search button receives close to 3.5 billion searches a day. Out of these searches, 35% are made regarding certain products, and another 34% involve individuals trying to find a business or service that will cater to their needs. Users come to Google to find solutions. Google Business messages enable brands to connect with their users directly, at the time and place their needs arise.

    Google Business Messages helps consumers go beyond just finding a list of relevant services and businesses. Present alongside the company’s name in organic search results, this tool acts as an inbuilt online channel for communication between the customer and a brand.

    A multitude of global brands and businesses use Google Business Messages along with integrated automation, such as Marketing and Sales bots, to help customers connect with their brand faster and in a personalized manner.

    The following article outlines how Google Business messaging (GBM) provides tangible results for a business across functions of engagement, lead generation, and customer retention. We then discuss the entry points for GBM and then discuss how your brand can benefit by using Google Business Messages as part of it’s marketing and customer experience strategy.

    Why Use Google Business Messaging?

    Google Business Messaging helps customers interact with a business directly from Google Organic Search Results in real-time. However, according to Google, the tool goes further than just a platform to converse. GBM can conveniently double up as a free marketing tool.

    To demonstrate how GBM can be used as a marketing tool, consider the following use cases: 

    1. Guide Customers with Product discovery:
      Consumers tend to use the Google search engine as a way to find solutions to a specific need. About 92% of online user journeys start from a Google Search!

      If this is the case, then the GBM tool is capable of aiding in the search by allowing customers to have conversations regarding products and services directly with the business. Through Google Business Messages, your brand can deliver helpful, timely, and tailored engaged experiences in the moment your customers need solutions – wherever they are.

      By doing so, a business can help pique a customer’s interest to make an actual purchase. For example, a customer can get in touch with a relevant business via a chat on the brand’s GBM channel by clicking on the chat below an Organic search result and understand more about product details, specifications, and other product nuances.

      The same Google survey quoted above – found that 72% of consumers would make a purchase online if they could get answers to questions in real time. Additionally, Organic search queries are typically from customers with higher intent. Google Business messaging integrated with an automated Marketing bot considerably aids customer product discovery leading to higher conversions. 

      This real-time product discovery through conversations – not only aids purchases but has a positive rub-off on your brand too. Using Google Business Messaging gives your brand a higher chance to aid the customer from product discovery to consideration to an actual purchase.
    2. Hub for FAQs:
      For businesses offering high-value products or services, customers may have several questions regarding the price, location, available inventory, and list of services that are available.

      Potential customers need not fish for this information on websites. Rather, they can use the GBM channel to ask their questions and receive a quick response. This not only helps the customer to find out whatever they desire about your brand, but it may also increase the trust that the customer has in the abilities of the business.

      When it comes to customers looking to buy products, they can find out information regarding shipping charges, terms, and conditions, or information about repairs. All this -directly from Google Search Results or Google Map listings of your brand.

    Personalized Customer Experience to Create Meaningful Connections Quickly

    Today’s digital customers – are expecting more information and more personalization – quickly. Through customer conversations On Google Business messages – your brand can draw deeper insights into what a particular customer is seeking.

    Through this, a personalized offering or experience can be created for the user, along with a personalized set of recommendations. This improves customer engagement and retention as they browse and learn more about your brand, while at the same time helps your brand craft meaningful interactions with customers.

    This helps the user view your brand on a more personal note instead of as a corporate entity, driving higher affinity.

    Improved Branding & Improved Customer Retention

    Customers want to feel special. Having a presence on GBM improves your brand presence by delivering real-time, improved, and customized customer experiences. When these experiences are done right – they leave a memorable experience for the customer, making them feel special.

    Through GBM, these experiences are delivered directly to the user one-on-one, helping your users get what they want when they want. This creates a sense of trust, loyalty, and referability.

    Entry Points To Google’s Business Messages

    Customers looking to interact with your brand through Google Business Messages can do so through various pathways. These pathways are known as entry points. Businesses can enter into a conversation with a customer through an AI Marketing or sales Bot integrated with the GBM channel, bringing a potential customer into the sales funnel.

    The three most common entry points for users to access your brand’s GBM channel are:

    1.  Google Place Sheets from Organic Search Results:
      This refers to the entry point that a customer can find at the bottom of a search result for a particular location. For example, let’s say an individual is searching for a restaurant near them. The search query is displayed, and the closest restaurant will be present on the list of search results with the option to message the business. This option usually involves a call to action like “Chat” OR “Chat with Agent,” displayed right after the “Call business “option.

      Having this option significantly improves ROI from your brand’s search marketing & SEO efforts – giving customers an even easier and more direct way of interacting with your brand.
    2. Google Maps:
      The second entry point is via Google Maps. When a user searches for a location-specific brand query – Example: VI store in Ranchi – they will be able to start a chat with the GBM bot directly via the search by clicking on the “Chat” option from the featured snippets.

      This entry point has worked really well for location-specific businesses such as cafes, and restaurants as well as large retail chains across categories such as electronics, jewellery, spectacles, etc.
    3. Customer Care Search Queries:
      This entry point involves search queries centered around customer care numbers that an individual may be looking to find.

      For example, a customer may search specifically for the customer care number of your brand. With Google Business messaging-enabled – The result of these search queries will showcase a “Chat” option, right beside the “Call” option.

      It is worth mentioning that the more entry points that a business possesses, the higher the chances of individuals finding the business. The presence of these entry points makes the process of engaging customers hassle-free and very effective. Entry points to Google Business messaging can further be enhanced through the use of web widgets on partner websites or third-party websites.

      These widgets would create an additional conversation entry point for your brand’s Sales bot on Google Business Messages. You can even send a direct URL through email, SMS, and social channels.

    How Can Your Brand Benefit From Google Business Messages?

    The benefits of using Google Business Messages for your brand are manifold. Apart from delivering personalized, contextual, and immediate two-way communication – here are the top 3 benefits:

    1. Lead Conversion:
      Connect with Customers where they are most likely to convert. Google Organic Searches and Google Map searches have higher customer intent and a higher propensity to convert.

      Google Business Messages helps your brand respond to these high intent, high propensity customers quickly, in their time of need – elevating the customer experience, improving credibility, and improving conversions. It’s a win-win-win!
    2. Offering Hyper-Personalised & Hyper-Relevant Recommendations:
      Gone are the days of a one-size-fits-all approach. Customers are looking for customized offerings and customized solutions. Google Businesses Messaging helps your brand do just that.

      Personalizing offers, and product recommendations based on conversational insights, user intent, interests, previous shopping patterns, and questions asked in the conversation. 
    3. Improve ROI:
      Google’s Business Messages integrates with Google’s organic search to give customers more opportunities to find and engage with your brand. This increases your brand’s search engine equity and helps garner higher ROI on your brand’s SEO efforts.

      With integrating Google Business Messaging, the keywords you rank for organically can now lead to direct conversations that turn into sales. It’s yet another win-win!

    To Conclude:

    Google’s Business Messages is an effective channel through which businesses can represent their brand to customers in the best way possible. Customers are no longer left in the dark about a brand but can find out everything they desire through a simple direct message.

    With GBM, businesses can always ensure positive customer experiences delivered in real-time, at their moment of need. Schedule a demo with our experts to know more.